We’ve recently come across some work on: “How to Break Bad Habits and Change Behaviors,” published by the American Heart Association. It discusses 6 Steps to Changing Habits.

"Something has to trigger a habit, and a cue can be anything. Identifying cues helps you understand what puts your habits into motion."

"Once you know the cues, you can throw bad habits off track."

"Research shows that replacing a bad behavior with a good one is more effective than stopping the bad behavior alone. Deciding to eat fruit every time your mind thinks “cookie” substitutes a positive behavior for the negative habit."

"It’s usually hard to change a habit because the behavior has become easy and automatic."

"Habits often form because they satisfy short-term impulses. Focusing long term while trying to change some habits will help you remember why you’re investing the effort."

"Research has shown that what you’ve done before is a strong indicator of what you’ll do next. But the good news is, if you keep at it, your new behaviors will turn into habits, too."
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